The business world is changing at a breathtaking pace. What will it take to be
an effective leader in the future? Are you confident that your current leaders
and managers have what it takes? If not, how do you develop the necessary skill
sets for future leadership success?
EDI's Leadership Development Programs focus on
targeted skill development, intra- and inter-teambuilding efforts, and
resolution of "real" organizational business challenges. Our unique Iterative
Business Problem-Solving Process™ also allows for leadership
development across multiple leadership levels. EDI can provide, facilitate, or
participate in strategy development for leadership programs. These services
include, but are not limited to, the identification of appropriate leadership
levels within the organization, the identification of leadership skills and
competencies appropriate for each level, and the delivery of a Gap Analysis
at each level of leadership.
Leadership Development Programs are designed,
developed, and delivered by professional, experienced EDI facilitators.
Programs are designed to last two to four days and to be delivered two to four
times per year depending on client needs, chosen leadership modules, and
content of business problems to be resolved. A sample of components
incorporated into the programs follows.
Introduction of key leadership concepts
Cross-functional team development
Business problem solving with "real-time" organization-specific issues
Engaging activities that provide "practice" of leadership skills in a low-risk
Insights from business experts across various fields
Feedback from EDI's perceptionplus360™
multi-rater feedback survey and targeted recommendations for development based
on survey results (optional)
Feedback from colleagues/peers
Personal coaching from an EDI facilitator
Action planning around key development objectives that will drive business
Development of an internal "support network" to increase transfer of training
back to the job
Communication Plans,
including communication content and strategy
Influence Strategy Charts to identify key
constituents and build Communication Plans
Examples of key leadership concepts include
the following:
Results-Based Leadership
Visionary Leadership
Creative Problem Solving
Change Management
Influencing and Motivating Others
Aligning Strategy with Tactics
Effective Decision Making
Managing in the Face of Ambiguity and Stress
Facilitation Skills
Social Versatility
Creating a Culture of Customer Intimacy
Creating a Culture of Product Innovation
Creating a Culture of Operational Excellence
Influencing without Authority
Improving Team Performance
Maximizing Individual Differences
Coaching for Results
Effective Delegation
Performance Management
Setting Expectations
Metrics for Accountability
Developing individual management and/or leadership skills for current and
future business success
Resolving "real-time" multi-level, iterative business challenges
Enhancing overall organization communication processes
Reinforcing the vision and culture of the organization
Using programs as a recruiting tool
Realizing cost savings by avoiding travel costs incurred when sending
executives to external programs
Aligning leadership development and business strategy
Learning from multiple perspectives through the combination of internal senior
management and external speakers and presenters
Coaching and development of future leaders
Capitalizing on EDI's expertise in curriculum development and program
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