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EDI's perceptionsplus360™ survey is a web-based, multi-rater feedback tool. Tailored to suit the roles and responsibilities of business executives, this instrument taps five broad Skill Sets and 23 specific Skills that are critical to the success of today's leaders. Each Skill is assessed using frequency ratings of actual work Behaviors, resulting in actionable feedback.

Multi-rater, or 360-degree, feedback provides a more comprehensive picture of an individual's performance than a single rater can give. The goals of 360-degree feedback include:

  • Clarification of skills and behaviors deemed critical for successful job performance
  • Increased awareness of strengths and developmental needs
  • More frequent and open communications about performance
  • Improvements in work behavior that demonstrate effectiveness on important job skills
  • Increased feedback-seeking behavior
  • Improved capacity to lead and manage
  • Enhanced individual performance that leads to improved team and organizational performance

The perceptionsplus360™ survey is incredibly fast and easy to use - on average, it takes less than 25 minutes to complete. Participants first complete a self-survey and then select the manager(s), co-workers, direct reports, and others (e.g., customers) they want to rate them. Selected raters then receive requests for their feedback electronically, and the online system takes care of collecting and compiling the ratings and sending periodic reminders as needed. When all ratings have been provided, participants receive a perceptionsplus360™ Feedback Report that summarizes the results of the survey and guides participants through the process of establishing an Action Plan on the basis of the survey results. Additionally, tailored development recommendations are provided for key Behaviors identified and prioritized as in need of development, based on ratings of criticality to the job and others' ratings of performance.

Clients can choose to solicit varying levels of coaching in the feedback and action planning process. Some clients choose to receive only the perceptionsplus360™ Feedback Report and accompanying Action Planning Guide that allow them to create action plans independently. Others elect to participate in a one-on-one Feedback Meeting, followed by a series of one-on-one Follow-Up Coaching Meetings (in person or via telecom) with an experienced EDI coach who provides guidance and direction for structuring and adhering to the Action Plan. EDI also encourages the active participation of the participant's manager through aThree-Way Coaching Meeting and subsequentManagement Conferences.

The perceptionsplus360™ tool can also be integrated with EDI's other professional solutions, such as Executive Assessment for Leadership Development, Executive Coaching, Career Development, Teambuilding/Team Coaching, Team Skills Training, Talent Management, and Leadership Development Programs.

View Organization-Level Survey Solutions

View Team-Level Survey Solutions