Team-based work is everywhere. From organizational restructuring around teams,
to team projects, to cross-functional task forces, effective teamwork is
becoming increasingly critical for business success. A good team results in the
whole being greater than the sum of its parts; however, an ineffective team
very often leads to the whole being less than the sum of its parts. How would
you describe your team? How would you describe your own team skills? Is there
room for improvement?
The purpose of the Team Skills Training solution is
to introduce various skills and tools for effective team performance which, in
turn, impact the team's and, thus, the organization's bottom-line performance.
Given that adults learn by doing, participants practice using these tools and
skills by applying them to real business challenges during the Team Skills
Training Program . Skill selection is based upon the
training needs of team members (which can be objectively assessed via EDI's
perceptionplusTEAM™ multi-rater feedback team survey) and may
include, but not be limited to, the following:
Team problem solving
Team decision making
Team conflict management
Team communication
Team project management
Benefits and Outcomes:
Team Skills Training is an excellent solution for the
following business challenges:
When an organization needs/wants to shift from a hierarchical structure to a
team-based structure
When a cross-functional team is formed to address a specific business issue,
and the team members have little or no experience working on teams and/or with
each other
When a current team acts more like a group of mavericks than a team, even
though teamwork is critical to the group's success
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