EDI's perceptionsplusPRE-OFFSITE™
survey is a multi-rater feedback tool designed to identify and probe into
specific topics to be addressed at a subsequent off-site meeting or program.
EDI's survey team will work with clients to create a survey that is customized
to address the specific offsite objective (e.g., strategic planning, business
planning, targeted problem solving, etc.). Output from the perceptionsplusPRE-OFFSITE™
survey is then used to create an agenda and process flow for the
subsequent offsite that is targeted and focused to ensure that objectives are
met and results are achieved.
After developing the customized perceptionsplusPRE-OFFSITE™
survey, EDI's survey team will administer the survey. Administration can be
done via the web, via paper-and-pencil format, or via one-on-one interviews
with an EDI facilitator (this latter option is recommended, as it provides an
opportunity to build rapport and trust between the facilitator(s) and team
members before the offsite). After administration, data will be consolidated,
and a series of trends analyses will be performed to identify patterns in the
survey responses. Finally, a perceptionsplus PRE-OFFSITE™ Survey
Report will provide recommendations for the
content and flow of the agenda and offsite and nature of business
problems/cases to be worked at the offsite.
The perceptionsplusPRE-OFFSITE™
survey tool can also be integrated with EDI's other professional
solutions, such as Strategic Planning,Business
Planning, and Targeted Team Problem Solving.
EDI's perceptionsplusTEAM™ survey is a
multi-rater feedback tool designed to measure perceptions of critical areas of
team performance and team dynamics. Team-based work is increasingly common, but
all too often the benefits of teamwork aren't fully realized. To develop
cohesive teams that are more effective and productive than a group of
independently working individuals, the factors influencing a team's ability to
work synergistically must be identified and explored. EDI's survey team will
work with clients to create a survey that is customized to the specific context
of a given team within its unique business environment and culture.
After developing the customized perceptionsplusTEAM™
survey, EDI's survey team will administer the survey. Administration can be
done via the web, via paper-and-pencil format, or via one-on-one interviews
with an EDI survey team member. After administration, data will be
consolidated, and a series of trends analyses will be performed to identify
patterns in survey responses. Finally, a
perceptionsplus TEAM™ Survey Report
will offer practical recommendations for improving the team in key areas
identified as in need of development so that the team becomes "a whole greater
than the sum of its parts."
The perceptionsplusTEAM™ survey can also
be integrated with EDI's other professional solutions, such as
Teambuilding/Team Coaching, Team Skills Training,
and Team Communication Planning.
View Organization-Level
Survey Solutions
View Individual-Level
Survey Solutions